Two Clinton police officers honored for preventing Lewallen Bridge suicide attempt

Chief Jim Cambell honors K-9 Sgt. Matt Howell and Officer Wyatt Terry for preventing a man from jumping off the Lewallen Bridge. (photo:Ben Pounds )
Police Chief Jim Campbell introduced the two officers at the Feb. 24 council meeting, told their story and gave them certificates.
Campbell said Howell and Terry intervened on Feb. 16 to prevent the “mentally despondent male” from jumping.
Howell saw him leaning over the bridge’s railing and spoke to him even as the man had one leg over the rail.
Terry, called in later, grabbed and pulled the man from the railing to the sidewalk. The two officers secured him before taking him to a hospital.
“If you can imagine, I’m a little bit afraid of heights, and to be up on the rail that high you’re making a grab at someone that could potentially pull you over,” Campbell said.
“That’s quite a dramatic end to that event. But I wanted to recognize these two gentlemen for their service on that night and in that instance.”